Crucible To Be Presented Tonight and Tomorrow

Fullerton College Hornet  - Staff Writer - Friday, November 9th, 1962
LIFE IN BALANCE-Salem citizens (from left) Charles S. Fisher, Robert A. Hubbard, Robert Hart and Grace Johnson try to convince Judith Stoner that the devil has taken her soul and that she is in fact a witch

Tonight and tomorrow night FJC students will have the opportunity of seeing "The Crucible." The play will be given at the Louis E. Pltimll}er auditorium, located at the corners of Lemon and Chapman avenues, at 8:15 in the evening.

George Archambeault, head of the Drama department and director of the Fall Play, urged everyone to take advantage of the two free complimentary tickets which will be given to any student holding an ASB card. Tickets may be obtained in the Deans' Office from the Dean's secretary, Mrs. Irma Garner.. The Deans' Office is located .in the Student Center, and tickets will be available from 8 a.m.. to 4 p.m.

Award Winning

"The Crucible" is an Award Winning play by .Arthur Miller and centers around the. Salem witch trials which took place there during colonial times.

Arthur Miller admits he meant the play to reflect on modern times too. The protagonist of the play, John Proctor, who is played by Dennis Bergmann, finds himself trapped by accusations when he tries to defend his ·wife on the charge of witchcraft. His Wife, played by Judith Stoner, is torn between loyalty to him and the truth.· Others, who are involved make choices which affect more than the lives of this couple.


Mr. Archambeault, commenting on the complexity of elements in the play said. "I feel that 'The Crucible' is worthy of the FJC student's attendance from a number of viewpoints. First, it is an important comment on both government and social responsibility and action. It is a psychological study of groups and individuals, and it is a fine example of the power of dramatically presented history."

The cast of "The Crucible" was carefully selected from a large number of students. Tryouts, were conducted for over a week, and the final cast present an extensive background of experience and talent.

Members of the cast are as follows: Joanne Thompson, Robert A. Hubbard, Judy Burnett, Jo Ann Wheatley, Connie Swanson, Rosalie Abrams, James Dewitt, Karen Hawley, Dennis Bergmann, Grace Johnson, Robert B. Hardwick, Robert Hart, Judith Stoner, Jerry Sy, Dick Bell, Dennis Curry, James W. Mings, Charles S. Fisher, Olivia Parks, and Ron Valencia.

Dennis Curry, president of the Drama Club, said he felt "The Crucible" is the biggest bargain FJC students will get this semester. "Not only is 'The Crucible' a, terrific play, from the standpoint of its social message, but it's also very entertaining. Students get two free tickets, which are good for either the Friday night or the Saturday night performance.