Drama Production Coming to Campus Nova 11 and 18

Fullerton College Hornet  - Staff Writer - Friday, October 27th, 1961

"The Visit," an award play by Fredrich Duerrenmatts, will be the FJC fall drama production. The play appeared in New York in 1958.

The production, which is being directed by drama instructor George D. Archambeault, will be presented Nov. 17 and 18 at 8 p.m. in the Fullerton Union High School Auditorium. Admission for adults is $1.00 and 75c for students.

Vivian Hoban portrays Claire Zachanassian, a wealthy and vengeful woman who returns to her antiquated and impoverished home town of Guelien to seek perverted justice on a former love. Anton Schill.

Dick Bell co-stars as Anton, the respected town rtcrekeeper. Supporting roles are played by Jim. O'Toole, the town burgomaster; Henry Hoffman, the teacher; Robert Hart, the pastor; and Jerry Davis, the policeman.

During the past 13 years Archambeault has directed about 25 high school plays and nearly 20 others for the Santa Ana Community Players. His students have won many awards in his nine years of one-act play competition at Pasadena Playhouse.

He is also an actor in his own right, having ha.d roles in TV's Gunsmoke, Northwest Passage, Union Pacific, Sheriff of Cochise, and the O'Henry Playhouse.