Curtain To Rise at 8 Tonight in Auditorium

Fullerton College Hornet  - Staff Writer - Friday, November 17th, 1961
DEAD OR ALIVE ?-The answer will be given at tonight and tomorrow night's perfornances of "The Visit" which will he presented by the FJC drama department. Tickets are free to student body card holders and are available in the deans' office. Dick Bell, in the casket, stars as Anton Schill.

"The Visit," an award play by Friedrick Duerrenmatt, will be presented by the FJC drama department tonight and tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in the Fullerton Union High School auditorium.

Admission for adults will be $1 and 75 cents for students. Direction will be supervised by George Archambeault, drama instructor.

Vivian Hoban will portray Claire Zachanassian, a wealthy and vengeful woman who returns to her antiquated and impoverished home town of Guellen to seek perverted justice on a former love, Anton Schill.

Co-starring will be Dick Bell as Anton, the respected town storekeeper. Supporting roles will be played by Jim O'Toole, the man, the teacher; Robert Hart, the pastor and Jerry Davis, the policeman.

In charge of stage construction is George Stoughton, drama instructor, assisted by Art Koustik.

Stage manager and set designer is Peter O'Rourke.

Publicity is being headed by Henry Hoffman, Sharon McDaniel, and Dick Bell.

Ticket sales are being handled by Dick Bell. The tickets, posters, and programs are being printed by the F JC print shop.

In charge of props are George Stoughton, Larry Ward, and Lana Nice.

During the past 13 years Archambeault has directed about 25 high school plays and nearly 20 others for the Santa Ana Community Players.

He has also appeared in many productions, including roles in TV's Gunsmoke, Northwest Passage, Union Pacific, Sherrif of Cochise, and the O'Henry playhouse.