Production Will Offer Unusual Special Effects

Fullerton College Hornet  - Rich Dupuy - Friday, March 8th, 1968

Many interesting things are planned for 'Year of the Deer,' the first Children's Theatre production by the FJC Theatre Arts Department.< The show is scheduled for six performances starting March 22 in the Campus Theatre.

There will be shooting stars, fire breathing dragons, a goldfish pond and waterfall, and smoke pots that are controlled miniature explosions.

The man behind the special effects is Don Cohen, a UCLA student. His genius has produced the shooting stars, but has been temporarily stopped by the dragons. Cohen is not too sure he can make them breathe fire without endangering the actors.

Cohen's shooting stars are produced by a revolving mirror ball with all but a few of the reflecting surfaces blacked out. The goddess Amaterasu Omikami, played by Linda Schoner, immobile throughout the entire play, is brought to life when the beams from the star "hit" her.

The lead characters in 'Year of the Deer' are played by Judy Miyake as Sakura Matsuyama and Mike Cabler as Jimmu Fujiwara.

Though a children's play, the 'Deer' offers much in the way of special effects, lighting and costume design for people of all ages and promises to be a highlight of the many works to come from the Theatre Arts Department this year.