Performance shows inhumanity

Fullerton College Hornet  - Marguerite Lumley - Friday, March 17th, 1978

A one-act play, Arthur Miller's "Incident at Vichy," being

presented by. the Fullerton College Drama Department, is short, but long on ideas.

Man's responsibility to man is the -theme of the action that takes place within the confines of a Nazi jail in Vichy, France in 1942. Under the direction of Todd Glenn, the rehearsals and performance class and the theatre crafts lab constructed an appropriately stark detention center using chain link fencing. Harsh lighting accentuated the uninviting environment.

Tim Clearly, Thomas Wood and Micheal Kane turned in excellent performances as three of the Nazi's prisoners. An Austrian Prince Von Berg, played by Clearly in an unwavering accent, expressed disgust of the Nazis and guilt for his own gentile heritage.

Wood portrayed a Jewish doctor who says he cannot understand prejudice, yet accuses Von Berg of aiding the Nazis simply because he is a gentile.

Kane was particularly impressive as an actor who believes he can convince the Nazis he isn't Jewish through role playing. When the doctor asks the actor how he will act as though he isn't circumcised, Kane slowly crosses his legs, accentuating his performance with body language.

All of Miller's characters offer interesting and thought provoking philosophies, and all were adeptly portrayed in last Friday's performance.

Costuming was low key and, because it did not detract from what the men had to say, it was effective. Intermittent music throughout the play, however, was not especially effective as it was unclear as to where it was supposed to be coming from.

"Incident at Vichy" is heavy entertainment, but well worth seeing. Curtain time is 8 p.m. and tickets are $2.50, adults and $1.50 students. Group rates are also available. Tickets can be reserved by calling 871-8101 by 3 p.m. today.