Picture of Juliea Shriver


Juliea Shriver

Part Time Faculty
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I love color. Some of my earliest memories are of bright, vivid color. I even talked in colors at an early age. I would tell my mom, I feel pink and purple all over. So, it's no big surprise that I make my living in the Arts. I have taught K-12 as an art teacher, and as a substitute teacher. At the college level, I have taught for four years now (Fullerton College, Cal State Fullerton, Laguna College of Art and Design). Special Needs also have a place in my heart; I have taught Creative Arts to adults through the Older Adult Program. I am also a freelance artist. I work in a variety of media: ceramics, mixed media, acrylic, decorative murals, and more. But my true love is teaching Art History (Modern Art, Ancient Art, Impressionism to Medieval, Introduction to Art) and writing about Art). I love teaching art! Above all, I hope my students find their passion: through life experience, through education, and sheer determination.


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