'Oedipus the King' to launch FC theatre season

Fullerton College Hornet  - Staff Writer - Friday, October 29th, 1976
ANCIENT ATTIRE--An exotically costumed FC Theatre Arts cast will perform the classic Greek tragedy "Oedipus The King" beginning Nov. 4 in the FC Campus Theatre. The cast is shown here rehearsing for the play, the first Theatre Arts presentation of this semester

The Fullerton College Theatre Arts Department will present "Oedipus the King," as its fall production, Nov. 4-5 and 11-13.

The play, written in 430 B.C. by Sophocles, is based on the myth of man's effort to circumvent the divine will of God, in this case, Apollo. It will be presented within a primitive, highly stylized motif, rather than the traditional classical style.

Vocal and physical gymnastics performed in stylized masks and vibrant costumes on a massive raked stage setting suggestive of the mountainous areas of Crete combine to make the story of the prideful Oedipus, alive and understandable for a modern audience.

The part of Oedipus will be played by Ken Mikell. Oedipus' queen, and partner in tragedy, Jocasta, will be portrayed by'Nedda Shrum. Harvey Hand plays Creon, Jocasta's brother.

Other lead roles are Lori Grifo, the palace messenger; Theresa May and Blaine Baker, the choral leaders; William Fuller, a guard; and Sean and Erin Glen, as the children of Oedipus and Jocasta.

Directing "Oedipus" will be James. E. Henderson. The mask and costumes are being designed by Nixson Borah. Vocals and choreography is being directed by specialist Miriam Tait. FC instructor Charles Kading designed the stage setting. Ron Aja, Campus Theatre auditorium technician, is in charge of lighting.

Curtain time is 8 p.m. For further information, contact the FC Theatre Arts box office at (714) 871-8000 Ext. 77.