Susanna Vaughan
Part Time Faculty
Susanna Vaughan is honored to be a part of the Fullerton College musical theatre faculty! She earned an MFA in Musical Theatre from San Diego State University and a BA in Theatre Arts from Azusa Pacific University. At Fullerton College, she teaches musical theatre performance techniques and musical theatre history. When not teaching, Susanna continues to perform, direct, and choreograph around the L.A., O.C., and San Diego areas. She recently appeared in Victor/Victoria at the Moonlight Amphitheater and has performed with Musical Theatre West in Singin' in the Rain and My Fair Lady. She is also the resident choreographer for the musical theatre program at San Clemente High School. Susanna lives in Santa Ana with her husband, Tyler, and dog, Chewie.
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theatre@fullcoll.eduTHEA 105 F Musical Theatre History
THEA 105 F Musical Theatre History
Jan. 29 to Mar. 24 6:23am - 6:23am
THEA 185 F Beginning Musical Theatre II
THEA 185 F Beginning Musical Theatre II
Jan. 29 to May. 25 10:01am - 12:10pm