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— Fullerton College Hornet - Brien Henderson - Monday, March 11th, 1996Getting the production of Fullerton College's "Frankenstein" on its feet was a race against time.
"Crossroads at Gettysburg was originally scheduled as the spring musical, but the funding fell through
The production staff of Frankenstein had to get the show ready in approximately two weeks, according to Gary Krinke, director of the production and head of the Theatre Arts. Department.
They had no script written and no plans at all. FC alumnus William Mittler wrote the script in a ·couple of months, and after a couple of rewrites, Krinke said he loved it.
"What we're doing is staying very true to the Mary Shelley novel, which is not a novel full of 'boo' kind of effects at all. It's a novel about the horror when a man decides to play God, and bring this hideous creature to life," Krinke said.
The mood that Krinke will be trying to put forth will be that of a growing. aura of terror.
"Frankenstein" will run Thursday through March 24 in the Bronwyn· Dodson Theatre, with the March 22 show sold out.