"Seasons" Continues Show In Campus Theatre Tonight
— Fullerton College Hornet - Lauri Berry - Friday, March 7th, 1969"A Man For All Seasons" opens tonight at 8 p.m. in the Fullerton Junior College Campus Theatre. Presented by the college drama department, Robert Bolt's prisewinning play is scheduled to run six nights, March 6, 7, 8, and 13, 14, 15.
Admission to the dramatic play is free to ASB card-holders, 75 cents for students without cards and $1.50 for adults. Reservations may be made at the Theatre Arts Department office between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. The college box office opens at 7:30 p.m.
Starring season newcomer Sheldon Craig as Sir Thomas More, the play centers around the conflict between him and King Henry VIII, Walter La Fontaine, over King Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon
Also appearing tonight will be Jerry Watson, as the Duke of Norfolk, Raynette Halversen, as Lady Alice More, Barbara Klevies, as Lady Margaret More, and Ghym Williams, as Cardinal Wolsey.
Other historical figures portrayed will be Thomase Cromwell by William Verderber, Thomas Cranner by Cliff Senior, Master Richard Rich by Hank Kuznkowski and William Roper by John Mitchell.
David Hopson, the common man, Del Lippold, Signor Chapys, Garry Barlow, Chapys' attendant and Kathleen Melcher as a woman complete the cast.
George D. Archambeault, director of "A Man For All Seasons" said the play "has been a successful play in our society because the similarity of conditions of 1529 and present times, or any era when challenges of entrenched social and personal philosophies are made."
In such societies, men or heroes like Sir Thomas More, the apotheosis of human integrity, must and do come forth. It is because the play deals with these ingredients that we in the Theatre Arts Department are so enthusiastically involved in "A Man For All Seasons."
Scheduled for the final play of the school year is "Red-Eye of Love," which director Cosmo Inserra termed a "serious comedy."
Try-outs for the production will be held March 10-13 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. in the Campus Theatre.