Spotted Pony Production To Enjoy Successful Run
— Fullerton College Hornet - Carolyn Pogue - Friday, March 12th, 1965Just what makes a successful Children's Theater production? A beautiful set? A fantastic costuming design? A skilled cast? A< beautifully written play? Or is it the shriek of delight from a thrilled child?
Whatever it is, FJC's drama department has captured it in Richard Thompson's "Spotted Pony, Indian Brave" which opened last weekend in the Little Theater.
Thompson, whose official position is that of adviser to the Torch staff, has found his calling in writing these delightful plays for the small fry. Several of his plays including "Tommy's Magic Christmas Tree" and "The Enchanted Tower" have been performed by the FJC thespians.
Compliments are in order to Miss Trina Portillo and Charles Kading who designed the set for the production. Without a doubt, one of the most imaginative arrangements of paint and paste board yet.
The costuming, designed and managed by Trina Portillo, Hazel Hasmer and Wendy McCue, can't be described. Probably the most spectacular costumes were those of the Eagles which sported amazing eight-foot wing spreads of ;green and black feathers.
Unlike previous productions, the play's movement was broken up by the use of tableaus. All action stops and in the gloominess of the lighting gives the impression of being a painting. When discussing the play, Mr. George Archambeault, head of the drama department remarked, ". . . and those tableaus are out of this world, beautiful!"
The cast did an amazing job of gearing their expression of their roles to the level of their "under three feet-tall" audience. All in all a charming production.
The play, under the direction of George L. Stoughton, will be presented tonight at 4 and 7 p.m., tomorrow at 10 a.m., 2 p.m.and 4 p.m. and next week-end on Friday at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Saturday at 10 and 11 a.m. in the Little Theater.