Children's Play

Fullerton College Hornet  - Staff Writer - Friday, January 18th, 1963

FJC's Drama department, under the direction of George Stoughton, will present 14 theater performances for children beginning Feb. 1.

"The Dream Princess" introduces Fullerton Junior College's first effort in the area of children's theater. The play will be presented Feb. 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 in the Fullerton High School Little ,Theater on Lemon Street at College Place.

Written by Richard Thompson, the play, "The Dream Princess," combines the advantages of a good story line, an appealing character with whom the children can identify, a large, varied, and colorful cast and an opportunity for the actors to grow in their characterization.

It is about a prince, searching for his princess, who only comes to him in his dreams near the black forest. Dancing trees accent the stage as the scenery and music sets the scene. The villain, the Dragon King, played by Terry Lamb and his cohorts, Depressio and Bacanala, played by Joe Reel and Brent Hardwicke, are the evil forces in the play and are holding Princess Starflower captive in the Netherworld.

The cast includes Marilyn Henyon, Starflower; Jackie Nolton, Marguerita; Queen Chatterly, Sandy Klein; Grace Johnson, Spirit of the Forest; Sandy Mann, bird; Jerry Quick, Prince Gregory; Dennis Curry, Prince Paul; Leonard Wingatt, King Buffo; Mike Renard, vine; and the following "trees:" Nancy Martin, Perry Menegh, Rosalie Abrams, Judy Burnett, Joanne Wheatley, Shirley Davis, Nancy Beccock, Gail Bixler, Connie Swanson, Judy Stoner, Karen Hunzler, and Dorine Kolman.