FC Presentation of 'JB' Features Superb Cast
— Fullerton College Hornet - Diane Stratman - Friday, December 6th, 1974Excellence and excitement marked FC's presentation of "JB." The two act play by Archibald MacLeish is a modern-day version of the Biblical story of Job. The presentation was interesting in that it portrayed the same basic problems and issues as in the account of Job, such as guilt, suffering, the battle between good and evil; but the outward manifestations of these issues were such problems as war, crime, murder, auto accidents and bombings.
The most outstanding feature of the play was the ease with which the experiences of the characters were shared in imagination by the audience. The very structure of the play lent to this, but Richard Blomgren who
played JB demonstrated superb ability to get the audience involved in his anguish and misery. Nedda Shrum who played JB's wife also succeeded in stirring up negative feelings toward her as she begged her husband to "curse God and die."
Especially enjoyable were Kevin Brown and Bill Greenlee playing God and Satan. The constant battle was for Satan to get JB to curse God and for God to hear Job say "Blessed be the Lord." Most humorous was the
characteristic look of contentment on God's face as Job blessed Him.
JB would have been great without any scenery or setting, but the scenery, lighting and' special effects created a very effective mood. The play began with two clowns coming from out of the audience into a circus tent of a stage. It was easy to feel a part of the action as circus music blared through the theater, and trapeze ropes stretched out into the audience near the front rows. At one point it was questionable as to whether the theater itself was not on fire, as a very effective explosion took place. Blaring ambulance sirens and lights added to the suspense. It was not surprising that JB repented when he heard the voice of God fill every crack and crevice of the theater. The play flowed smoothly and continuously with very few if any errors. Even crew workers seemed to blend in and become a part of the action and excitement.