After the Rain
by John Griffith Bowen
Directed by George Archambeault
About the event
The time is "200 years after the Rain of 1969," and the action is a paraphrase of the Bible, commencing with the ark and the flood and ending with the sacrifice of the God-figure. To the microcosm of people adrift on a raft come a vital youth and a girl. Gradually they are introduced to the rituals of the community, the leader of which is a chap named Arthur. He comes to believe that he is prescient and has miraculous powers. Indeed, he begins to think of himself as divine. Another man acknowledges this, becomes his priest, and establishes a ritual�absolutions, confession, audiences, sacrifice, etc. A commentator on the action, a kind of sidelines puppeteer, disabuses Arthur of his godly notions, and convinces him that he was only possessed by God, and was only his vicar. It is he who must be sacrificed.